Chapter 208 - Sniper Strike

It was already deep into the night, the citizens of Chang'an City were still carrying their families and rushing forward!

The road ahead was difficult, especially at night. They could not see the road ahead clearly! At this time, the army had to scout the road ahead. If they met with any danger, they could only warn them from behind. The commoners behind them had to carefully follow behind the army.

Gradually, the terrain became more steep, and the speed at which the citizens were moving became slower! Especially those old people and children, many of them were already powerless to continue forward! At this time, under Zhao Chen's orders, the guards of Chang'an City had already begun to help the elderly and children. Many soldiers carried the elderly and children on their backs.

"Hurry up!" Nobody knew when Conan's traitor's army would catch up! We need to send these citizens to the Wu Gong County as soon as possible! " Zhao Chen said.

Yu Yunwen nodded.

"The terrain here is getting taller. Have we reached the Southern Mountain?" Zhao Chen suddenly asked.

"That's right, your majesty. We are currently at the foot of the Southern Mountain!" Wang Shu said.

"Wang Shu, Yu Yunwen, I will leave these hundred thousand people in your hands, lead them forward, don't let them fall! When we get to the Wu Gong County, you guys must set up a good defense! Also, inform the Fu Feng County to send their warriors to the east as well! The Conan's traitor has hundreds of thousands of men, and we also have 400,000 young men! Even if our four hundred thousand youths are unable to defeat them, it would be enough to stop them! " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, aren't you coming with us to the Wu Gong County?" Yu Yunwen said in surprise.

"I have other things to do!" Zhao Chen said.

"What is it?" Yu Yunwen probed.

"You will know about the details within a few days!" Zhao Chen laughed faintly.

Immediately, Wang Shu and Yu Yunwen brought over a hundred thousand citizens to the direction of the Wu Gong County, while Zhao Chen brought over five thousand of the Royal soldiers s to stop at the Southern Mountain area!

Zhao Chen and the Royal soldiers found a place to hide from the wind. They got down from their horses and immediately, the Royal soldiers went to find firewood! After a while, they started a bonfire!

They were carrying enough food with them, and someone had already started cooking!

Zhao Chen and Kang An sat beside a bonfire. The two of them were roasting a deer, and the fragrance of meat gradually spread out!

"Your Majesty, what are we doing here?" Kang An asked curiously.

"Naturally, they are waiting for the great army of the Conan's traitor to arrive!" Zhao Chen said.

"AHH!" "What?" Kang An's face revealed an expression of disbelief!

"When the King Kang's army comes, we will give them a surprise! They have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and we're going to use five thousand cavalry to attack them! Do you have the courage to do so? " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, the warriors of our Managed naturally have such courage! For us, to be able to fight for our country and to be able to sacrifice our lives for it is something we wish for! However, Your Majesty, your status is precious and is related to the lands of the world. Using 5000 men to snipe hundreds of thousands of soldiers was too dangerous! You should immediately retreat to Wu Gong County, or even Fu Feng County, Fengxiang Residence, or even Dazhang Pass! " Kang An said anxiously.

"Don't worry!" It won't be too dangerous! When the Emperor Kang's army of hundreds of thousands came, they definitely did not expect that we, as a mere five thousand people, would actually dare to attack them here! This time, we are attacking unprepared, and will only be a huge loss to the enemy! " Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, the battlefield is dangerous, you cannot stay here!" Kang An said.

"The battlefield is dangerous, of course I know that! However, as the emperor, why should I be afraid of danger when the warriors are not afraid of danger? To face Emperor Taizu face to face, I relied on my martial arts to conquer 10,000 miles of land. As his descendant, I can't be much weaker than Emperor Taizu! If you follow me in this battle, you will definitely win! " Zhao Chen said.

Since Zhao Chen was so adamant, Kang An could not persuade him anymore. He could only secretly swear to himself that he would follow Zhao Chen closely on the battlefield and protect his life!

"Send people to take a look at the nearby terrain!" Wait until the King Kang's army arrives, we have to understand everything around us clearly! "Also, find a place to hide, we must be able to hide ourselves!" Zhao Chen said.

Kang An nodded his head, and immediately followed Zhao Chen's orders, not mentioning anything else.

Zhao Chen stood on the hillside, and looked at the scenery in the distance! This was a painting of a mountain and river, and right now, he was the one in charge of this mountain and river! However, this Jiang Shan in front of his eyes was in danger! The reason he was staying here, was mainly to snipe King Kang's army, to buy time for Wang Shu, Yu Yunwen and the rest! Although Kang An was loyal and had some fighting skills, he was not good at scheming, and was not as good as the emperor himself! Under such circumstances, Zhao Chen decided to stay behind and choose how to snipe through the enemies, depending on the situation.

"It has already been four years in Xuanwu and I am also fourteen! I thought that everything would go smoothly in the future. Under my lead, the Song Dynasty would get better and better, but I never thought that such a thing would happen! That Ninth Uncle of mine, as a Chinese, actually teamed up with a woman, and gave me a sudden blow! However, this is nothing. It can't really shock me! At most, they would just take over Tongguan and Chang'an, and take over some of those places. Last year, millions of youths were recruited, of which 300,000 entered the army, and 1.2 million established the Production and Construction Corps. What I need now is time! As long as there was enough time, these youths would eventually grow up and become elites! That would be the time for me to really strike back! Valkyrie, Emperor Kang, I will let you be arrogant for the time being! " Zhao Chen secretly thought.

It was already the fourteenth day of the first month, and the snow was still falling heavily. There were no signs of it stopping!

As the sky gradually turned dark, a troop of cavalrymen appeared in the distance!

This cavalry troop was also dressed like the Song Army, they were coming from the direction of Chang An! Needless to say, they were the army under the Kang Wang Zhao Zhuang!

The leader was exceptionally handsome, who else could it be other than Liu Guangshi?

Liu Guangshi had a huge army of one hundred thousand, of which eighty thousand were infantry, and twenty thousand were cavalry, currently he was leading the twenty thousand cavalry army forward!

From a distance, one could see how big of a gap there was between the Liu Guangshi Cavalry and the Female Genuine Cavalry Cavalry and the Yue Fei Cavalry. Their troops were abnormally scattered, some consisting of three to five people while the others formed a snake-like army of twenty thousand cavalrymen! The speed of these cavalry soldiers was extremely slow, only slightly faster than the ordinary infantry soldiers. They were talking and laughing, and noises kept coming from within the army! There would never be such a scene in the Female Genuine Cavalry and Yue Fei's cavalry!

However, even though the convoy was scattered like this, Liu Guangshi was still filled with confidence, he felt that his own cavalry was an unrivalled existence in the world!

"It's been so many years since I've won a battle like this! First, we attacked the Tongguan, then we attacked Chang An! Before long, the entire Guan Shan will be ours! " Liu Guangshi spoke to the commanders behind him.

This time, they had used eight hundred thousand troops to attack Tongguan. As for Chang An, it was all Zhao Chen giving it to them! But in Liu Guangshi's opinion, these were all victories! Liu Guangshi was abnormally excited and proud!

"The general is right, since the change at Jingkang, we have not had such a victory!" However, the Emperor Xuanwu is too cunning. Even after we made our peace, there was not a single civilian, nor any soldiers, nor any food, weapons, etc. All we have is an empty city! " The leader behind him looked to be about Liu Guangshi's age, but he was far from being as handsome as Liu Guangshi! He was extremely tall, with a slender body and an ugly face. He was Liu Guangshi's great general!

"He is not cunning, he is afraid! In the end, the Emperor Xuanwu is still a useless and cowardly person, it is truly not worthy of being called a Dao! " Liu Guangshi laughed.

"General, I think the Emperor Xuanwu is not to be underestimated! We have already witnessed the power of the soldiers and horses in the Emperor Xuanwu, we cannot let our guard down! " Li Qiong said.

"The Tongguan is different from other places. The soldiers there are naturally elites! Other than the Tongguan, there were no other places that had such elite troops! Speaking of which, most of the troops under Emperor Xuanwu were the Home Breaker from back then! What virtue does the Home Breaker possess, that I, Liu Guangshi, still do not know? " Liu Guangshi said in disdain.

Liu Guangshi also came from a family of generals in the Northwest Army. Back then, the Liu Jiajia was an existence only inferior to the seed army! In the past, when Liu Guangshi's father, Liu Yanqing, was still alive, the Liu Jiajia had wanted to go for the Home Breaker! Liu Guangshi had always looked down on the Home Breaker, he believed that all of Zhao Chen's subordinates had been transformed by the Home Breaker, so he also looked down on the troops under Zhao Chen's command!

"What the general said makes sense!" Li Qiong thought about it and said.

"Originally, there was a great general under the Emperor Xuanwu that was renowned throughout the world! However, the Emperor Xuanwu is the world's most deceived and useless emperor, he actually doesn't know how to make use of this great general! " Liu Guangshi laughed.

"I wonder who the general is talking about?" Li Qiong said.

"Naturally, it's the Curved End! The talents of the Curved End's martial arts, everyone in the world knew it! Back then when I was fighting the Western Xia, my father repeatedly made meritorious military service with my Curved End. Emperor Xuanwu was unusually confused, to actually not using Curved End, is truly laughable! " Liu Guangshi said.

"General, the terrain here is getting taller and taller. We have already reached the Southern Mountain area, we should still be careful!" Li Qiong said.

"Careful? What was there to be careful about? We've already investigated, there aren't any large scale army gathering around here! Furthermore, we have news that the's Imperial Guards have gone to the north. They will definitely not be able to return right now! As for Jingyuan Army, Tsinghua Army, and some others, they were all waiting at the Shaanxi, on the other hand, he wouldn't be able to get here even if he wanted to! Now that the Guan Shan is completely empty, we can go anywhere we want! Emperor Xuanwu isn't because I look down on him, because he really doesn't have anything that I can look down on! " Liu Guangshi laughed.

"This..." Li Qiong was startled, and had to admit that what Liu Guangshi said was true!

"Moreover, our twenty thousand cavalrymen are only the vanguards, and the next is our Liu Jiajia's seventy thousand infantry army, we are only about twenty miles away from here! Then, there was the close to seven hundred thousand army that was led by Master Qin Gui! What was there to worry about with such a large army? Right now, we just need to continue forward, catch the Emperor Xuanwu as fast as possible, and build a meritorious service. That is the most important thing! " Liu Guangshi said.

Liu Guangshi kept urging his subordinates to rush forward, but the quality of his subordinates' cavalry was just too poor! The road was slippery at night, and many of the cavalrymen were unwilling to continue on their way.

Gradually, their troop became longer and longer, and the number of cavalrymen that fell behind increased! Liu Guangshi also did not have the thought of cleaning up the army, his Liu Jiajia had always been like this! Ever since his father died, Liu Jiajia was no longer as strong as she was before!

After another two hours, the sky had turned completely dark. At this time, an extremely long and gentle slope appeared in front of them!

Liu Guangshi led the twenty thousand cavalrymen and rushed up the gentle slope. But when they were halfway up the hill, they heard the sound of ten thousand cavalrymen galloping!

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